Good Neighbours

Our local missions programming is called “Good Neighbours”. This is a dynamic ministry that works to see lifelong change in our most immediate community. Through Good Neighbours, CRCF provides food programs, support groups, and other practical assistance to those in need. It is the goal of Good Neighbours that our community comes to embrace the love of Jesus as they see it in action.

If you need any assistance or would like to join our Good Neighbours volunteer team please contact us at goodneighbours@crcfchurch.com.


 The Community Fridge

The Community Fridge is a program of Good Neighbours that meets the physical needs of our community throughout Burnaby, New Westminster, and Burquitlam by providing them with fresh local foods provided in part by our amazing partners like Cobbs Bread. This ministry helps plug in many new members into our church and help them get the services they need such as Cariboo Road Coaching, Beginnings Course, Alpha, Freedom Session and more.

As a church, we strive to take care of all the members of our community! This ministry is theologically rooted in the parable of the lost sheep. God has never given up on us and we plan on following his example by reaching those who have yet to open their hearts to the Holy Spirit. We will love on our community by taking care of them, emulating Jesus’ example.

Find out more about the Community Fridge like hours, location and donation details here.




International Missions Partners


 North America Partners


Mercy Canada

Though they are a multinational organization, Mercy Canada is based out of Langley B.C. Mercy Canada has a mission statement that is focused on helping woman find healing from trauma through Christian counselling. They offer Christ-centered rehabilitation programs that help victimized woman embrace hope for the future.

This organization is rooted in strong biblical principles. For example they are committed to tithing 10% of their finances, they offer all programs free of charge and they will not accept funding that restricts their ability to preach the gospel.

Partners in hope

Partners in Hope is a Christian organization based out of Vancouver, Canada. Their main mission is to offer support to the most vulnerable segments of our community such as sex trade workers, individuals suffering from a drug addiction and people serving in correctional facilities.

They raise up faithful followers of Jesus through their Prison Ministry program, 12- step recovery programs and 365 daily meditations booklets. They have successfully restored community, Christian life skills and most importantly, hope, to thousands since their journey began in 1994!

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South America Partner

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
We are proud to partner with Pastor Miguel who oversees two churches in Santo Dominigo, The capital province of the Dominican Republic. The churches are called the Igelsia Pentacostal “Los Solodados De Jesus” and Iglesia Evangelista Pentacostal de JesuCritsto “Oasis de Amor”. Pastor Miguel is focused on evangelizing in his local community as well as taking care of the practical needs of his fellowship.

Together, we are able to provide the children with the basics such as school supplies, lunch programs, medical assistance and much more. The ministry based out of the Dominican Republic has a specific vision to raise up the next generation of children in relationship with God. The Sunday School programs as well as the Covid summer camps have been integral in achieving this goal.

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Africa Partner

MercyCare Malawi
MercyCare supports social initiatives such as providing, healthcare, education opportunities and economic empowerment to the citizens of Malawi. Malawi is one of Africa’s most densely populated and poorest countries. They also have a very large young population that needs the guidance of God to overcome the struggles of their circumstances. In addition to their benevolent works, MercyCare also fosters an environment for people who have never met the Lord to begin having a relationship with him.

One of the amazing programs we support is the after-school programs and summer camps that MercyCare operates. These programs focus on developing literacy & life management skills in an effort to help youth lift their communities out of poverty from within. Their summer camps are centered around three key concepts: Empower, Educate & Equip. For 10 days straight they are able to feed, educate and support over 150 kids. This is a great opportunity to tangibly provide for children in need.

Europe Partner

Jarovnice, Slovakia
Pastor Marek Olah is a Roma (Gypsy) minister working out of Jarovnice in eastern Slovakia. There is an explosion of the Holy Spirit amongst the persecuted Roma peoples throughout Slovakia and we are honoured to support the furthering of God’s kingdom there. This ministry began in 2017 with 6 people and has rapidly grown to over 150 new believers! The church plant in Jarovnice has helped to heal their community in physical ways through cleaning programs and addiction recovery but also, more importantly, has restored hope to many families who were previously in the dark.

We directly support the operating costs for Pastor Marek. One of the amazing things about this ministry is that it is focused on a cultural group rather than a nationality. The Roma are a severely oppressed people all throughout Europe and by the saving grace of God we will see this ministry flourish. In Pastor Marek’s own words “It is when things are darkest that Gods love shines brightest, and hopelessness gives way to light”.

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Middle East Partner

“F.E.A.L.” (Free Evangelical Association of Lebanon): Beruit, Lebanon

Asia Partner

(YWAM): Thailand
Our ministry in Thailand is spearheaded by an amazing missionary named Linda Hermann. She distributes funding into different child sponsorship programs that are focused on educating and building life skills for the local underprivileged youth throughout Thailand. Linda also partners with various ministries to offer assistance with vision, programming, leadership, and ministry execution.

The leadership development program has helped kids from childhood all the way through to university graduation who would have otherwise been unable to receive an education.
